What makes people change?

What makes people change? We are habit lovers, we do the same thing all over again, even if it is painful, unhealthy love affair, messing up our career, procrastination, overeating, overspending, overdrinking. The easiest thing is to regret next day …
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Toxic mother: how to heal mother wound?

If your mother has continuously been criticising you, belittling you, overcontrolling and making you feel guilty, yes, it sounds like a toxic mother. Any mother can break down and do this unconsciously and unwillingly, they are humans, not saints, for …
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dream job

Dream job: how to get it?

Do you keep thinking about your dream job, but actually hate your current job? Sometimes, it’s a big puzzle to figure out what we really want and how to get it. The more you discover about yourself, the clearer your …
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how to heal a broken heart

How to heal a broken heart?

Have you been asking yourself how to heal a broken heart? Well, human beings are not purely rational. We are not advanced robots that can shut down the program if it‘s not functional. The problem is, we are spiritual beings, …
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decision making

Decision making: key to success

It doesn’t matter if we talk about professional or life decisions, there are the same coaching principles that apply. Decision making is usually hindered by fears: fear of failure, losing one’s face, job, partner, comfort, changes and uncertainty. Thus, the key to success is to uncover hidden fear and not let it paralyze you.
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stressed out

Stressed out? Powerful self-help exercises

Do you feel stressed out almost every day? How tense is usually your working day? How demanding or emotional is your partner? How needy and energy-draining are your kids? Most of us live a very stressful life to the point it becomes a norm. “It’s cool, I’m ok” we keep on saying, but are you? In this blog I will suggest you some stress relief techniques.
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